Warbird’s project professionals are subject matter experts who have worked in various government agencies and financial institutions and understand the challenges and requirements of monitoring and enhancing financial institution compliance programs. Our professional team includes former financial institution compliance officers, compliance auditors, regulatory examiners, certified regulatory compliance managers, certified anti-money laundering specialists, certified fraud examiners, and risk assurance specialists. Our professionals bring real-world experience to deliver the expertise needed on every engagement. Having worked in the trenches, our team understands the realities clients face and provide the help and guidance they need to be successful. Our goal is to help each organization succeed, by providing consistent communication, value-driven consultation, and education.

  • Tailored internal controls programs to fit the needs and meet the objectives of our clients
  • Compliance support for new products, services and marketing campaigns
  • Routine compliance monitoring and solutions for issues detected
  • Compliance policy and procedure development
  • Compliance due diligence for mergers and acquisitions
  • Pre-regulatory compliance examination coaching and testing and preparedness assistance
  • Post-regulatory compliance examination remediation
  • Training of staff, boards, and compliance personnel
  • Training and mentoring of new compliance officers
  • Model Validation (BSA, Fair Lending, Asset Liability, and Allowance for Loan Losses) Preparedness
  • BSA/AML Program Review and Consulting
  • Assistance related to the Paycheck Protection Program


Warbird’s project professionals help government agencies and financial institutions clients identify opportunities to create efficiencies and implement strategies that help them do more with less. Contact us today to learn more about our service offerings and how we can help you.