Proven Performance
Our Government Practice assists Regulatory Agencies and GSEs in advancing the value of their objectives by preserving capital, enhancing governance processes, and overseeing and enforcing regulatory paradigms. Our residential mortgage advisory services are distinct in yet another very important way – our capabilities have been primarily developed in support of government agencies dealing with a range of mortgage issues over the past 5 years. As a result, we believe we are best viewed as part of the solution and not part of the problem. This means less potential conflicts – – and fewer surprises – for your institution.
Representative Engagements
Our Results
2005 (Past Engagement)
- Deployed 40 consultants and managed a PMO to support a complex financial restatement, as well as servicer loan review
- Managed multiple additional work streams including supporting the real estate owned (REO) team with ongoing loan loss review personnel, as well as the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program and mortgage-backed securities groups
Non-Performing Loan Review (Current Engagement)
- Forensic Loan Due Diligence of FNMA Non-Performing Loan Portfolio – Identify mortgage originator breaches of representations/warranties that supports issuing the originator a Loan Repurchase Letter
- Operating scaled organization that includes experienced Mortgage Processors, Underwriters, Desk Appraisers, and Quality Control/Assurance experts
Performing Loan Review (Current Engagement)
- Expanding FNMA Forensic Loan Due Diligence Project to include the FNMA Performing Loan Portfolio
- Warbird is currently testing data transmission capabilities with FNMA. The data testing and technology platform development is targeted for completion in Q3 2012. The implementation of the performing loan review in the production environment is expected in Q4 2012