Forty years of healthcare-industry experience. Accomplished executive with extensive managerial, administrative, operations, research, clinical and academic experience in health care, higher education and business. Consistently effective in providing leadership for strategic planning, facility construction, business development, health system program development, and operational implementation. Particularly strong in the areas of team building, strategic analysis, business planning, program development and operations. Recognized for providing visionary leadership, strong organizational skills, finance, logic and decisiveness.
Rebuilt the corporate infrastructure and culture creating an overarching vision whereby the board reengaged in changing and improving
the business and employees feel empowered and have operational “ownership”.
Within the first year led the business from a negative financial operating margin to a $2 million net.
Implemented a value analysis program and budget system that reduced expenses by approximately $1 million. Expenses have remained
stable for six years running.
Built a leading edge IT infrastructure and platform that significantly improved operational efficiencies and also aligned with all regulatory requirements.
Reduced staff turnover from 53% annually to below national averages for health care institutions.
Introduced and developed CMOs first formal marketing program.
Acquired an MRI business.
Implemented Maine Spinecare, a new niche market spine program for CMO.
Led the facility design that includes a hospitality esthetic combined with an efficient ergonomic construct specific to orthopedic care.
Developed the operational model and clinical model, standardizing the clinical protocols and reducing variation in care and now boasts patient outcomes that are among the best in the nation.
Reduced joint replacement implant costs to one of the lowest in the nation.
Improved outcomes for joint replacement and spine surgery include but not limited to an average expense decrease of $3,000 per patient,
length of stay reduced by 2 days, lowest transfusion rates nationally, improved pain control, and the highest national HCAP scores for orthopedics.
Implemented a benchmarking program through the Marshall-Steele Company comparing OICM outcomes to 130 cohorts nationally.