Warbird provides Organizational Audits which create value for the government agency and the financial institution’s shareholders and stakeholders. Our professionals identify areas of strength and gaps in both systems and board structures. This audit provides clients with stronger processes and enable the Board of Directors to focus on organizational stewardship, while management focuses on business operations. Warbird’s professionals ensure clients have the right policies, practices, and structure in place to achieve proactive, informed, and engaged governance.

  • Centralize and streamline the entity’s risk management program with appropriate board and management stakeholder input and decision-making responsibilities
  • Recommend alternative corporate governance models that align with industry best practice and promote the strategic objectives of the entity
  • Provide board evaluations
  • Provide CEO or Executive Director evaluations to ensure accountability
  • Assist with succession planning
  • Draft and write board manuals for on-boarding new members
  • Develop board member recruitment plans
  • Recommend board committees and terms of references to ensure committees perform desired functions and realize governance objectives
  • Set agendas that retain focus on appropriate tasks and policies
  • Lead board education sessions on topics such as capital planning, regulatory guidelines, and corporate governance


Warbird’s project professionals help government agencies and financial institutions clients identify opportunities to create efficiencies and implement strategies that help them do more with less. Contact us today to learn more about our service offerings and how we can help you.